Monday, 7 July 2014

Lynmouth to host public search for seashore creatures on the 13th July

A new 'citizen science' project to discover more about Exmoor's coastal wildlife is holding its first public event on the beach at Lynmouth on Sunday 13 July. The Exmoor coast is home to a wide range of marine wildlife, from Atlantic grey seals to colourful strawberry beadlet anemones. But there are many gaps in our knowledge of how different species are faring and how their numbers might be influenced by threats such as invasive species and climate change. The Shoresearch Exmoor project aims to collect information on the animals and plants of the seashore, at eight beaches along the coastline of the national park. A combination of expert-led surveys and public rockpooling events will help to build a clearer picture of Exmoor's coastal wildlife. Surveys have been under way since the spring, and now for the first time all beach-lovers and wildlife enthusiasts can get involved in Lynmouth on Sunday - with no prior knowledge required! Shoresearch Exmoor activities are being led by volunteer interns at Devon Wildlife Trust, all recent graduates from Plymouth University's Marine Institute. Volunteer Sara Marshall said: "The event at Lynmouth is a fantastic opportunity for local people and visitors to get better acquainted with Exmoor's rich coastal wildlife. Our range of species cards will help you identify the creatures we find amongst the rocks." Sara continued: "There are fascinating creatures to look out for in Lynmouth's rockpools - you might see starfish that can regenerate lost arms, or anemones with more than 200 tentacles. But by also looking out for exotic species of oyster and seaweed from the Pacific Ocean that have colonized here, people can really help increase our understanding of invasive species on the Exmoor coast." Much of the Exmoor coastline is included in the Bideford to Foreland Point recommended Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ). This is one of three north Devon MCZs being considered for designation by the government next year. Devon Wildlife Trust's Senior Marine Conservation Officer Richard White said: "Bideford to Foreland Point was proposed by the local community as an area to protect local marine wildlife. But designation of this stunning stretch of coast as a Marine Conservation Zone has been delayed by the government due to a lack of evidence. By getting involved in the Shoresearch Exmoor event at Lynmouth, everyone can help increase the evidence we have so the case for protecting local wildlife is made stronger. And all you need to do to help is enjoy a fun day at the beach!" The event starts at 10:30 on Sunday with a rockpool ramble at midday, followed by a timed species search. All activities take place on the east side of Lynmouth beach with the meeting point clearly signed by coloured Devon Wildlife Trust flags and banners. To find out more about the project and the Shoresearch Exmoor event at Lynmouth visit or call in to the Exmoor National Park Visitor Centre at Lynmouth Pavilion.

Photo: Strawberry Beadlet Anemone Copyright Sara Marshall (All Rights Reserved)

Photo: Common Starfish  Copyright P Naylor (All rights Reserved)

Monday, 30 June 2014

JULY HIGHLIGHTS. A celebration of traditional Coast and Countryside events.

It's certainly heating up, such great weather, a little sunshine and blue skies really do enhance our towns, villages and of course our glorious North Devon Coast and Countryside. Perfect for a walk on the beach, a trek on the South West Coast Path or a wander over Exmoor. Time for Roses and a picnic in the park. The birds have certainly been making the most of the early Spring and after the first fledglings left the nests in May, some are already brooding or nest-building again so check before getting out that noisy hedge trimmer. This is also time when I finally see our little hedgehog family, they visit at night and always enjoy the peanuts I leave at the door. July is traditionally the time to celebrate all things Maritime. Fun-filled festivals and regattas with a host of madcap events. You can watch Birdmen hurling themselves off Ilfracombe Pier, Bunjee jumpers hurling themselves off the Torridge Bridge, wobbly walkers hurling themselves off greasy poles at Appledore while pirates, mermaids and shanty singers will dodge the throng on the cobbled quay down along Clovelly. This action packed month will end with a "Call to the Hounds" at the Woolsery Agricultural Show and a little of what you fancy does you good ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ and a Pimms on the lawn at Hartland Abbey. Let's hope this fine weather lasts all summer long. We have listed just some of the July highlights here.  To add an event go to North Devon Focus Coast & Country Chronicle Community Calendar 

6th July Fireman Sam at the Big Sheep. Come and see Fireman Sam on Sunday 6th July at The BIG Sheep Family Attraction. Fireman Sam will be making personal appearances at intervals between 11am and 3:30pm. Don't forget to bring your camera. Park admission is FREE to annual Season Ticket Holders.
Sunday 6th July Jazz in the Garden at Ash House Iddesleigh EX19 8SQ. Jazz in the Garden with the Steve Tucker All Star Jazz Band on Sunday 6th July 2pm-6pm -Barbecue, cream teas, ice-creams, pimms, bar & beer tent. Tickets at the gate Adults £7-50 OAP's £5 under 16's free. Dogs on leads welcome. Further info or IN AID OF: St James Iddesleigh
11th July Purple Day at the Big Sheep. The BIG Sheep flock will be donning their purple clothes, wigs and anything else purple to help raise money for Barnstaple's Chemotherapy Appeal. Visit us on Friday 11th July wearing purple and we'll donate £1 of your entry fee to the Chemotherapy Appeal.
13th July Scream for Ice Cream at the Big Sheep. The BIG Sheep will be hosting an ice cream “Taster” day on Sunday 13th July and will be inviting visitors to indulge in lots of luscious ice cream and vote for their favourite flavour! Tasting will take place between 11am and 3pm and the winning ice-cream will be announced after the…
12th to 13th July Lundy Gig Row Clovelly. The row from Clovelly to Lundy and back across 32 miles of open seas is a huge test of endurance. Depending upon the weather and tides, it can take up to four hours. Do come along and support the brave crews! They leave Clovelly at 8am and arrive at Lundy at about 11am. The following day they leave Lundy at about 1pm and arrive back at Clovelly at
about 4pm.
July 12th & 13th All Things Morris Seafront, Fore St, Pier & Landmark.  Now expanded in its second year to a two day event with exhibitions, Morris dancing and a Morris car show. 
Sunday 13 July  A new 'citizen science' project to discover more about Exmoor's coastal wildlife is holding its first public event on the beach at Lynmouth click here for details 
19th July Ruby Country Market, Hatherleigh, 9am-2pm
20th July Clovelly Maritime Festival in aid of The N. D. Hospice Starting at 10am, the day will be full of fun and cram-packed with a programme of all sorts of activities and entertainment for all ages. There'll be lively music, cookery demonstrations, crafty creations and family activities throughout the day. The quay will be full of seafood kitchens, arts and crafts and facepainting too. The New Inn, in the heart of the village, will be offering two lunch specials and fresh strawberrry and cream teas with home made scones. So do come along and enjoy this fun-packed day out, held in aid of the North Devon Hospice. Young people (7-16 years) will have free entry if they come dressed as a pirate or a mermaid. Under 7s have free entry anyway, but we would love it if they come dressed up too. Standard admission charges to Clovelly include all entertainment.
20th July Bideford Rotary Water Festival. Visit Website for event details
July 20th Ilfracombe Golf Club Sponsored Open Day
Friday 25th July, Saturday 26th July & Sunday 27th July Appledore Summer Festival
Saturday July 26th Dipping Detectives on Hatherleigh Moor 11am - 3.00pm. Join the Northern Devon Nature Improvement Area project at Hatherleigh Moor for pond dipping and bug hunting. Grid ref SS 550 037. Call Clare Manning on 01271 388647 or email for more details. Booking not essential - just turn up!.
Friday 25th July, Saturday 26th July & Sunday 27th July The Appledore Summer Festival or further details on events in Appledore visit
26th July - Tue 7th August Appledore & Instow Regatta - 129 Years of Maritime Celebration Est. 1885 - See Regatta Programme

July 27th Ilfracombe Birdman. An event which involves would-be aviators hurling themselves off the town’s pier in an attempt to fly before crashing into the sea. www.ilfracomberoundtable/birdman-2014
28th July Woolsery Agricultural Show Summer in North Devon would not be complete without a visit to this ever popular show. Classes include crafts, cattle and sheep, together with horse and pony competitions. There will be a display of vintage farm machinery, a display of hounds and the Young Farmers' "It's a knockout". You'll find bustling trade stalls offering locally made crafts and food with fairground rides and a bouncy castle for the children.
It's a great summer day out for all the family!
Wednesday 30th July, 5 pm Illyria presents ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ by Roald Dahl, adapted by David Wood at Hartland Abbey. It’s the first day of half-term and Grandma has written to say she is coming to stay. George is going to have to give up his bedroom for her. It wouldn’t be so bad if Grandma were a nice Grandma. But George’s Grandma is horrible...Following their enormous successes with JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH and FANTASTIC MR FOX, and a record-breaking sellout season of THE TWITS, Illyria returns with yet another Roald Dahl classic full of (literally) larger-than-life characters, plenty to join in with, and just a twist of malicious fun! It’s guaranteed to send you through the roof! Running time (approx): 1hr 35mins (including 20 minute interval) Full £13.00 Concession £11.00 Supporter £9.00 Family tickets available. Suitable for all ages 5+ Drama Workshop with Sarah Middleton for 5-10 year olds 3.45-4:30pm £3. Bring rugs, low backed chairs and picnics or enjoy a delicious barbecue by Mr Crackling. Cream Teas, Pimms and Wine Bar and Ice Creams. Gardens open free to those attending from 2 hours before the show - Tickets from The Plough Arts Centre Box Office: 01805 624624 - Hartland Abbey, Nr Bideford EX39 6DT ( between Hartland and Hartland Quay) 01237441496/234

For more North Devon Events see Local Press: What's On North Devon Gazette - North Devon Journal
Barnstaple Tourist Information Centre, North Devon Museum, The Square, Barnstaple, North Devon, EX32 9LS
Bideford Tourist Information Centre, Burton Art Gallery, Kingsley Road, Bideford, EX39 2QQ 

Braunton Tourist Information Centre The Bakehouse Centre, Caen Street, Braunton, North Devon, EX33 1AA
Combe Martin Tourist Information Centre Cross Street, Combe Martin, North Devon, EX34 ODH 

Holsworthy Visitor Information Centre: The Memorial Hall, Holsworthy, 
Torrington Tourist Information Centre, Castle Hill, South Street, Torrington   
lfracombe Tourist Information Centre The Landmark Theatre, The Seafront, Ilfracombe, North Devon, EX34 9BX
Lynton Tourist Information Centre Lynton Town Hall, Lee Road, Lynton, North Devon, EX35 6HT T

South Molton Tourist Information  1 East Street, South Molton, Devon, EX36 3BU 
Woolacombe Tourist Information Centre The Esplanade, Woolacombe, North Devon, EX34 7DL 
 To add an event go to North Devon Focus Coast & Country Chronicle Community Calendar

Monday, 16 June 2014

When I Was Your Age! Fun FREE intergenerational art and oral history event in Braunton

Kick off the summer holidays with a fun FREE creative event for families in Braunton. We are looking for twelve people from Braunton of varying ages (from 8 upwards) to take part in a workshop with professional artist, Jo Bushell, exploring the topic of 'community' today and in the past. Community film making organisation, North Devon Moving Image (NDMI), will be producing a short film of the event to be shared in their online collection. Creative Director Amanda McCormack says "We are looking for Grannies & Grandads, Grandchildren and those inbetween to take part in a collaborative work of art. No creative skills are necessary and the project is designed so that people of any age and ability can have fun and make a contribution. We will be using the workshop to draw out stories of what community means to our local people." Jo Bushell will work with the group, using rope weaving and decoration to represent the interweaving of land and sea which sums up the environment and heritage of Braunton. Following her research for the project at Braunton Museum Jo Bushell says "The reason I chose to highlight land and sea based industries is because it is something really quite unique to communities in North Devon. One thing that really strikes me about this topic is that, as we can see from photographs in the museum there was a strong sense of camaraderie among the workers within both these industries. People worked hard and conditions were harsh but they had to work very closely as a team to get the work done and this in turn brought people together. The bulb farm pictures particularly demonstrate this and you get the impression that they regarded themselves as part of a close knit group sharing life, hardship, laughter on a daily basis." 
Fun FREE intergenerational art and oral history event in Braunton on Tuesday 29 July 2014, 10am until 2pm at St Brannock's Church Rooms, Braunton. Refreshments provided
Funding from Fullabrook CIC has enabled NDMI to offer this as a free event and there will even be refreshments provided! Places are strictly limited so even though there is no cost, booking is essential. Please contact Amanda McCormack at NDMI on 01271 860610 or email to find out more or to reserve a place.
Photo: Jo Bushell, Community Artist at Braunton Museum Copyright Amanda McCormack