Showing posts with label Big Garden Bird Watch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big Garden Bird Watch. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Weathering the storms and Big Garden Birdwatching.

2024 blew out with weather warnings and amber alerts, howling winds, rain and snow November's named storm Bert was followed by Storm Darragh at the beginning of December and the eerie calm yesterday and today, an ominous lead into Storm Éowyn in some parts of the UK Friday and Saturday.

On the bright side, no matter what the weather the birds still came to the feeders. I will once again be joining in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2025 so I hope they all stick around for that.

Want to attract a variety of birds?
By far the favourite food for most of them are Sunflower Hearts but its best to have a variety of birdfood and always keep birdbaths filled up as they need water and love splashing about preening and fluffing their feathers at this time of year

My tips to encourage all types of birds to your garden.

Sunflower hearts - Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Sparrows, Blue Tits, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Greenfinch, Starlings will take over the feeding stations at this time if year.

Peanuts - Blue Tits, Woodpecker, Sparrows, Chaffinch, Robin
Niger Seed - Goldfinch, Blue Tit

Sunflower Seeds - Bullfinch
Meal Worms - Loved by ground feeders including Robin, Blackbird, Dunnock and Wren
Fat balls, Suet cake - all the birds love this
Attention  its time for the Big Garden Birdwatch. Photo copyright Pat Adams North Devon Focus
Attention -  its time for the Big Garden Birdwatch. Photo copyright Pat Adams North Devon Focus
Attention -  its time for the Big Gaaden Birdwatch. Photo copyright Pat Adams North Devon Focus
Attention -  its time for the Big Garden Birdwatch. Photo copyright Pat Adams North Devon Focus
"Join the world's largest garden wildlife survey 24th-26th January 2025" - Find out more at  RSPB

"Met Office "Rare red weather warning as Storm Éowyn poses danger to life". 
Red Weather Warnings have been issued with Storm Éowyn forecast to bring disruptive winds as well as heavy rain and snow for some on Friday."
Tap here to find out if your area is affected

Friday, 26 January 2024

Join the world's largest garden wildlife survey.

The new year has quite literally stormed in with lashing rain and winds. Storm Isha and Jocelyn caused havoc  within 2 weeks of each other in January. There have been ten named storms since last September so nature needs a helping hand. Anyone whose seen my posts across the web and social media will know I'm an avid birdwatcher out and about North Devon and Exmoor but also love taking photos of the coming and goings in my garden.

I can now list the Goldfinches as regular visitors on the feeder along with Sparrows, Chaffinch, Coal Tit, Blue Tits, Doves, Dunnock, Great Tits, Blackbirds, Robin, Wood Pigeons and a very camera-shy Wren. At this time of year we also have daily ravenous marauders, the Starlings. Depen ding on the time of year we also have fleeting visits from a Woodpecker, Nuthatch, Jay, a male Bull Finch and a pair of Siskins. Its great to know that my messy garden is home to them during the nesting season. You can see a variety of photos of fledglings on my flickr. 

 regularly submit my results the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch each year which this year is from 26-28th January so here is an opportunity to help the RSPB understand how the birds are doing.

"Big Garden Birdwatch is fun, free and for everyone. And you don’t need a garden to take part! Counting birds from your balcony, or your local park...You can sign up for your free guide and let's look out for birds together on 26-28 January." Find out more at (

Birdwatching through my window. Photo ©️Pat Adams North Devon Focus

Birdwatching through my window. Photo ©️Pat Adams North Devon Focus

The links to general information or products listed on this page are for your convenience. NB If you purchase through any affiliate link it may (or most probably not) result in a small commission. The merchant only knows you have visited this site if your Cookies are enabled. However we do hope the links help you with advice and general information on caring for birds and wildlife in your garden while supporting to the RSPB. 
The RSPB offers a great range of high-quality, environmentally friendly products. We sell high quality bird food, feeders, nestboxes, and unique homeware items. Save nature while you shop.


Pat Adams' North Devon Focus. My North Devon Coast & Country Chronicle

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Explore the Coast and' Country' side of  Bideford Bay and Beyond 

Monday, 24 January 2022

Watch the Birdie. Are you ready for the Big Garden Birdwatch 2022

The wind and rain of recent months has subsided and there seems to be a lot of fluttering in the garden at the moment, so thrilled that in addition to the regular visitors we now have a Male Bullfinch and a Nuthatch visiting each day, I do hope they stick around for the Big Garden Birdwatch at the end of the week. I regularly submit my results each year, here are my results for 2021.

6 Sparrows - 3 chaffinch - 5 goldfinch - 7 Starling - Blue Tit - Coal Tit - Wren
Dunnock - Robin - M & F  Blackbirds but they came later

Tap here for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch Results 2021

Nutchhatch through my window. Photo Pat Adams North Devon Focus (All Rights Reserved)

Birds in my garden January 2022

Feathered Friends through the years   

The links to general information or products listed on this page are for your convenience. NB If you purchase through any affiliate link it may (or most probably not) result in a small commission. The merchant only knows you have visited this site if your Cookies are enabled. However we do hope the links help you with advice and general information on caring for birds and wildlife in your garden while supporting to the RSPB.
The RSPB offers a great range of high-quality, environmentally friendly products. We sell high quality bird food, feeders, nestboxes, and unique homeware items. Save nature while you shop.


Pat Adams' North Devon Focus. My North Devon Coast & Country Chronical

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Explore the Coast and' Country' side of  Bideford Bay and Beyond

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

North Devon Wildlife through the window. Seasonal photos of the birds in my garden

Well what a year. Stormy times, supermoons, lockdowns and Covid19 restrictions meant that I didn’t get to visit some of our favourite locations and all the events were cancelled for the year. Luckily for me I love my small messy garden and the bees, birds and butterflies love it too. 

The natural world did not take a break and continued as usual with the regular birds on and below the feeder. For the first time I enjoyed watching a couple of Siskins which stayed in the garden for a couple of months, I do hope they return and nest here. January 20/21 2020 a fleeting visit from some Long Tail Tits and wonder of wonders they returned with a flurry of snow on 23rd January 2021. 

I had started putting out Niger Seed for the Goldfinches, which they enjoyed, I then added Sunflower Hearts to the menu, they loved those even more and continue to devour messily on a daily basis.  They have dominated the feeders throughout the year and it looks as though this year will be the same, I counted 11 yesterday, I am hoping they stay around for the Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend. The Sunflower Hearts are popular with most of the birds and probably why the Siskins visited. 

As usual the Swifts and Swallows arrived in the Spring, spotted the first Swallow flying aloft 17th April, watched them gather on the wire above the garden on the 17th September, the next day they were gone. Finally snatched a shot of the elusive Great Spotted Woodpecker in June, they are regulars in the garden but pretty much peck and go a bit like the Wrens. Sadly I only saw one Greenfinch a juvenile, I miss the House Martins that once used to build their nests in the corners of the windows beneath the roof.

I have watched as usual as the birds sing out, nest and raise their fledglings. Here are just some of the photos from 2020.

North Devon Focus. Great Spotted Woodpecker Photo copyright Pat Adams (All Rights Reserved)
Great Spotted Woodpecker Photo credit Pat Adams
North Devon Focus. Sparrow Fledglings - Photo copyright Pat Adams (All Rights Reserved)
 Sparrow Fledglings - Photo credit Pat Adams
North Devon Birdwatching through the window. Male and Female Siskin Photo copyright Pat Adams (North Devon Focus) All Rights Reserved
Male and Female Siskin. Photo credit Pat Adams
North Devon Birdwatching through the window. Photo copyright Pat Adams (North Devon Focus) All Rights Reserved
North Devon Birdwatching through the window. Photo credit Pat Adams
Birds in my garden 2020
Blue Tit
Coal Tit
Great Tit
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Wood Pigeon
Pat Adams' North Devon Focus. A North Devon Coast & Country Chronical
Explore the Coast and' Country' side of  Bideford Bay and Beyond

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Hello December. Robin's Winter song on lockdown Day 253

It's the first day of December, Covid19 Lockdown Day 253 not the brightest of times as we are in our second lockdown since March but there have been some fantastic skies, vibrant sunsets and awesome cloud formations.  Thank goodness for nature bringing us some joy in these difficult times.

Local walks and beaches have been heaving over the Summer so most days I have been restricted to watching the wildlife through my window and the garden.

Our resident hedgehogs have not visited for over a week, I have still left water at the door just in case. I am happy to say we have had hedgehogs in the garden for over twenty years and for the past couple of years have had a Trail Cam to capture their nocturnal pursuits. 

I could hear the Robin singing his heart out, but couldn't see've got to love nature's way of  hiding in plain sight.

Thursday, 9 January 2020

North Devon Focus Coast and Country Chronicle 2019

A colourful reminder of the year around the Bideford Bay area, Exmoor and beyond. Looking forward to a bright and beautiful 2020 on the North Devon Coast. Thanks for visiting and following. 

What better way to start off the New Year than the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch.Take part in the world’s largest wildlife survey on 25-27 January and do something great for nature. Just choose an hour any time over the three days and enjoy time with nature counting birds.
North Devon Focus Picture Tour - Photos copyright Pat Adams North Devon Focus (all rights reserved)

Explore the Coast and "Country"side of Bideford Bay with the North Devon Focus Picture Tour
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