Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Fresh evidence of beavers discovered at four sites on East Devon river

Despite recent news headlines that a local beaver population had 'disappeared' from their East Devon home, a local wildlife charity is now claiming that it has evidence that they are very much alive.

In November the BBC reported the concerns of some local people that they had not had sightings of beavers on the River Otter for some weeks. This 'disappearance' was then reported by national newspapers. However, Devon Wildlife Trust has now come forward with evidence which shows that the beavers are still there, although they may have relocated their homes, known as lodges, along the river.

Devon Wildlife Trust is leading the River Otter Beaver Trial - a five year study of what is believed to be the first population of breeding beavers living wild in the English countryside for several centuries. The charity has said that it is currently monitoring four 'active areas' along the river where it has seen fresh evidence of the beavers' presence.

Mark Elliott is the Trial's manager and said:
"We knew the beavers had not 'disappeared' but it's good to be able to report recent evidence showing that they are still active on the river. Beavers are mobile animals and it's quite common for them to shift their lodges and feeding grounds. There's lots of room for beavers on this river so it's unsurprising that they have relocated from the places that we saw them last spring and summer."

The beavers have proved popular with local people and have also attracted many wildlife-lovers to East Devon after the animals gained national coverage when their story was featured on BBC's Springwatch programme. Devon Wildlife Trust's own series of beaver walks along the river were fully subscribed in 2015 and now the charity says it plans to run more next year to meet demand. However, winter is not the time to go beaver watching and any visitors are likely to leave disappointed. 

Mark Elliott explained:
"Beavers are largely nocturnal animals so they are difficult to see during winter when the nights are long. However, they will still be busy at this time building their lodges, preparing for mating in January and the birth of their kits in May. At this time we're keeping the locations of the new beaver sites a secret to ensure that disturbance to the animals and local landowners is kept to a minimum."

In February 2015 it was established that nine beavers were living on the River Otter. In May it is known that a breeding female gave birth to three kits taking the total to 12. This family were seen by many people throughout summer close to their lodge on a stretch of river near Ottery St Mary.

Devon Wildlife Trust is keen to record sightings of beavers to help it with its ongoing work monitoring the impact of the animals on local communities, local landowners and wildlife. Mark Elliott said: "

As we move into the New Year and the daylight hours lengthen beavers will be active at dusk and dawn. If people do see them then it's important they let us know so that we can get a clearer picture of the beavers' numbers and locations."

People with information can let the charity know if they see a beaver via email on and with details of the date, time, exact location and whether the beaver has a coloured ear tag.

The River Otter Beaver Trial receives no government funding. Devon Wildlife Trust is urging people to offer their support via its website
Devon Wildlife Trust is urging people to offer their support
Recent beaver activity has been found at four places along the River Otter in East Devon. Photo copyright DWT (All rights reserved)

Monday, 21 December 2015

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

It's been an event full year. Thanks for visiting hope you drop by in 2016.
Don't forget to feed the birds and wildlife over the festive season.
Big Garden Birdwatch 2016 is from 30th-31st January

Monday, 14 December 2015

Charity wins top green award

The environmental achievements of a Devon-based charity have been recognised with a top international accreditation.
In the past year Devon Wildlife Trust has targeted the impact it and its 80 staff have on the environment. As a result the charity has been able to reduce its gas consumption at its Cricklepit Mill headquarters in Exeter by 55%. Its electricity consumption across all its properties has also been reduced by 20%. A hydro-turbine installed at the Mill is also helping The Trust generate 40 kilowatts of its own clean, green electricity each day from water power - equivalent to around 50% of the building's total supply.
The Trust has also substantially reduced the amount of waste which goes in its dustbins, increasing its recycling rates from 45% to a whopping 89%. These positive changes have brought recognition with them. After a rigorous audit, Devon Wildlife Trust has just seen its top international accreditation for Environmental Management Systems, called ISO14001, renewed by the British Assessment Bureau. Stuart Hodgkiss has led the charity's drive to reduce its carbon footprint and other environmental impacts. Stuart said:
"Because of our work with wildlife we need to be an organisation that minimises any impacts on the local environment. Over the last two years we've reviewed every area of our work. The changes we've made have often been straightforward but they have made a good deal of difference. Our energy consumption is something we've worked especially hard to reduce and by turning down the ambient temperatures in our buildings, fitting 'smart' meters and installing low energy computers we've made real progress." Stuart added:
"Getting recognition with the award from the British Assessment Bureaux shows we're heading in the right direction. We're now looking to other areas where we can do better. For example, in March 2016 we're opening a visitor centre in East Devon. Seaton Jurassic will have a café and shop and in both we're putting in place a sustainable procurement policy. This will mean that our visitors can buy with confidence in the knowledge that their food and gift purchases will combine high ethical standards with low environmental impacts."
Another area of The Trust's work which will come under the green spotlight will be its use of vehicles. In 2015 staff trialled a number of electric vehicles and the charity now has a plan to begin to replace some of its conventional petrol cars with zero-emission models.

Devon Wildlife Trust
'Staff at Devon Wildlife Trust have increased recycling and composting to a whopping 89% of all waste.'