Sometimes you don't need words, just watching nature is enough. The clip below was taken on a not very bright day on the 2nd December when the tide was out on the Torridge Estuary. A murmuration, but not Starlings, however we enjoyed watching the flock rise and swirl up, up, down and around then quite a while. I have since found out that the birds were Golden Plover. Are they making a stop on their migration or over-wintering here
The Torridge Estuary is a haven for migrating birds but I haven't seen a flock this large before. In November I saw three Cormorant, each sitting on their own rock spot, four Egret, several gulls and a flock of Redshank
swirling over the Skern. Scroll down for video through to YouTube if you want to watch on full screen....relax and enjoy.
Life on the Biosphere - Video clip credit Pat Adams (North Devon Focus)
For the Record, Life on Lockdown Covid19 Day 254