Tuesday 15 December 2020

Birdwatching. Life on the Torridge Estuary

Sometimes you don't need words, just watching nature is enough. The clip below was taken on a not very bright day on the 2nd December when the tide was out on the Torridge Estuary.  A murmuration, but not Starlings, however we enjoyed watching the flock rise and swirl up, up, down and around then quite a while. I have since found out that the birds were Golden Plover. Are they making a stop on their migration or over-wintering here

The Torridge Estuary is a haven for migrating birds but I haven't seen a flock this large before. In November I saw three Cormorant, each sitting on their own rock spot, four Egret, several gulls and a flock of Redshank swirling over the Skern. Scroll down for video clip....click through to YouTube if you want to watch on full screen....relax and enjoy. 

 Life on the Biosphere - Video clip credit Pat Adams (North Devon Focus)

For the Record, Life on Lockdown  Covid19 Day 254

Thursday 3 December 2020

Hello December. Robin's Winter song on lockdown Day 253

It's the first day of December, Covid19 Lockdown Day 253 not the brightest of times as we are in our second lockdown since March but there have been some fantastic skies, vibrant sunsets and awesome cloud formations.  Thank goodness for nature bringing us some joy in these difficult times.

Local walks and beaches have been heaving over the Summer so most days I have been restricted to watching the wildlife through my window and the garden.

Our resident hedgehogs have not visited for over a week, I have still left water at the door just in case. I am happy to say we have had hedgehogs in the garden for over twenty years and for the past couple of years have had a Trail Cam to capture their nocturnal pursuits. 

I could hear the Robin singing his heart out, but couldn't see him.....you've got to love nature's way of  hiding in plain sight.

Friday 23 October 2020

Halloween Spooktacular Starts This Weekend! Fun by Day- 24th October to 1st November at the Big Sheep, Bideford

Bring your family for an unboo-lieveable Halloween day out!

The Big Sheep farm is transformed with spider webs, pumpkins and friendly ghouls and ghosts - it's time to trick or treat the kids to an autumn day out they'll not forget.

There are limited tickets remaining and due to our strict covid-19 measures meeting the highest of safety standards, we are expected to sell out of our limited capacity each day. We highly recommend you book early to avoid disappointment!

Join the flock this Halloween for a family day filled with fun and laughter. Carve your own pumpkin to take home while stocks last, then try your hand at the witches flying school. Challenge the family to spot all the friendly spooks and beasties as you take a ride on the ghost train. With our rampage roller coaster, all-weather play barn with slides tunnels and ball pits (time limitations apply), your little ones will be spookily entertained all day.

Plus, daily fancy dress competition with prizes…. and introducing for 2020 our ‘socially distanced Halloween Monster’s Ball’!
Halloween Highlights:
NEW FOR 2020
  • Socially Distanced Halloween Monster’s Ball**
  • Pumpkin Carving*
  • Witches Flying School
  • Ghost Train Ride
  • Fancy Dress Competitions with Prizes

Saturday 24th October until Sunday 2nd November
Halloween Spooktacular Starts This Weekend! Fun by Day- 24th October to 1st November at the Big Sheep, Bideford
The Big Sheep, Abbotsham, Bideford, North Devon, EX39 5AP
Tel: 01237 472366