Friday, 2 March 2012

New Otter Spotters for Exmoor & North Devon

New Otter Spotters for Exmoor & North Devon On Saturday 26 February Devon Biodiversity Records Centre (DBRC) found the sun shining and a full turn out at their Otter Spotter training day on Exmoor. For many years 'Operation Otter' has been a county wide monitoring project which has been vital for tracking this elusive mammal's recovery. Volunteers are often keen to be involved but funding to provide training days is not always available. This year South West Water generously supported DBRC and funded a classroom session in the morning, followed by identification skills sessions on the riverbank during the afternoon. Ellie Knott & Caroline Jones from DBRC have both been involved with the project from its earliest days and conducted the day's training. They were both delighted that twenty-one potential 'otter spotters' could attend the day resulting in 19 new sites being assigned to volunteers, 16 or which are in the North Devon area. Caroline said ''we are really pleased to have trained up some new people in the North of the county, as it has been some time since we could offer this support in that area''. During 2011 the Environment Agency issued a positive report on the otter's comeback. As a top predator it can be used as a guide to how a river's eco-system is functioning. Devon now has otters in all of its major rivers and Devon Wildlife Trust's waterside headquarters in Exeter, is often visited by at least one adult. Ian Egerton, Devon Biodiversity Records Centre's Manager, said: "It is important that DBRC continue to run monitoring projects such as this. Hopefully funding will be found to run similar days in other parts of the county as the interest this event generated has left us with a waiting list of other potential volunteers''.
Otter_spotter_training_day_copyright Mark_Haworth-Booth

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Charity helpdesk to accept call of the wild

A local wildlife charity is this week re-launching its Wildlife Helpdesk which aims to give advice to people with enquiries about a range of wildlife issues. The Devon Wildlife Trust has opened the doors of the Helpdesk which is being run from its offices in Commercial Road, Exeter, next to the charity's headquarters at Cricklepit Mill. Up until now the organisation has run an ad hoc advice service to respond to the hundreds of calls it receives each year. Now with a £10,000 Awards for All grant from the Big Lottery Fund, the organisation has revolutionised the facility to provide a better service to the public, including the creation of a drop in facility for people in the local area. Verity Hunt DWT's Administration Officer said: "We get many calls on a wide range of issues such as planning, wildlife gardening and species identification. It is clearly a very popular and important service we are running but it's been crying out for more funding and more volunteers to help. It's fantastic to now be up and running and to be able to take more calls and for people to be able to drop in to see us. The grant has helped us maintain, improve and expand the service so we can respond more efficiently to more people's requests for information and advice." The service is being run primarily with the help of local volunteers who are using their time and knowledge to help others in need. Alice Waterson, one of Helpdesk's longer-standing volunteers, says: 'Being involved in the new helpdesk has been really exciting. We now have some great facilities here and we will be able to provide a really useful information service to the public. It's very rewarding to be helping local wildlife and in helping local people to learn and understand more about the species and habitats we have here in Devon'. People who wish to use the service can call 01392 260884 email or pop in weekdays between the hours of 10am and 4pm. For more information about Wildlife Helpdesk visit

Hartland Abbey Daffodil Days and Mothering Sunday

Saturday 17th March and Sunday, 18 March 2012, from 11am-4pm Hartland Abbey Daffodil Day and Mothering Sunday Hartland Abbey, Hartland, North Devon EX39 6DT. Hartland Abbey is holding their Daffodil Days again this year. It will be a lovely chance to come with the family to see the wonderful collection of historic daffodils, many planted 150 years ago. Dogs and children (under 5) free, over 5 £1. Adults £4.00. House open at extra charge For further information please ring 01237 441234 or visit

Explore Hartland with the North Devon Focus Picture Tour